Meet John Waters Wright
Meet John Waters Wright
Recovering musician and copywriter riding his politics bug to Careerville
Recovering musician and copywriter riding his politics bug to Careerville
$18 Trillion and Counting
A Revolutionary Approach To Discussing The National Debt
You don't have to be an expert to understand the Federal Budget, and how we accumulated the National Debt. For that matter, neither do I.
Someone just needs to slog through the data - gosh, there's a lot of it - and write, in plain English, the clear and simple story which those data so vividly tell.
Once we know the facts, we can tell our leaders - again, in plain English - that we expect them to solve the problem, and we'll know if their solutions match the scale of the problem, with no accounting gimmicks, and no deceptive rhetoric.
Let me walk you through the numbers, because if we don't solve the problem of our debt, it will bury us. All of us.
For more information, go to http://18trillionandcounting.com
What Came Before: A Very Terse Resume
B.A. English, University of Dallas
Jobs of a Diverse Nature
A Ten Year Music Career
Freelance Copywriter
What's Next
- Writings About Manufacturing and How Welfare States Tax
- Musings About How To Champion Market-Friendly Policies
- A Young Adult Novel for Children of All Ages
And more!
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Copyright 2015